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Let's do it!

Design | Prototype | User Research


did I do?

Designed & Prototyped Time Management Application for Executive Function Disorder(EDF) patients.




Wrote a research paper and created a self-explanatory poster.


did I do?

EDF patients have trouble planning and executing the routine activities. Our aim was to develop Time Management Application to aid user's timely planning and execution.

Existing online solution are limited to a particular platform and had a learning curve.


about the project.












Team Project


Kennedy Krieger Institute


 Aug '17 - Dec'17


 Adobe Illustrator & Axure RP


Design, Prototype & User Research.



Problem Description

This App Design project was part of coursework HCC - 742: Developing Interfaces for Rehabilitation. This was a semester-long project for Kennedy Krieger Institute. The main objective was to develop an interface for rehabilitation aiming to aid patients affected by Executive Functionality Disorder (EFD). Application design focuses on key factors like user-centric design, low learning curve, platform independence. This project was under the guidance of Dr Ravi Kuber.


The final outcome of the whole design process was supposed to be presented in a printed poster and an interactive app prototype for the client. This project is also supported by a research paper. Graphic-design was done on Adobe Illustrator and prototype was created on Axure RP.




  • Requirements Gathering & Literature Review.

  • Interviewing stakeholders.

  • Brainstorming for application's features.

  • Heuristic Evaluation.

  • Prototype Design & Development.

  • Drafting a research paper based on the project.


Requirements Gathering & Interviews:


  • On-site observation - First-hand end user observation to understand EFD patients.

  • Literature Review - Studied about the EDF. Analysed existing solutions.

  • Semi-structured Interview -  to understand requirements and problems.

  • User-Centric Design - choosing App feature to suit user needs.

  • Finalizing Features - deciding on principle features of the app

  • Reducing the Learning Curve - for quick adaptability across all age groups.


  • Minimalistic & Welcoming Approach - Interface was supposed to be intuitive and less cluttered. App's also for kids and making it attention-grabbing was needed. Thus we decided to have least possible things on screen at a time. Icons were large and with subtitles. Icons were flat and rounded to give a smoother look to users.

Research Paper
  • A research paper on the study and app design.


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  • Learned Interviewing skills - Semi-Structured interview with stakeholders & Observation of patients using the app.

  • Hands-on Adobe Illustrator & Axure RP - Flat Icon design and prototyping.

  • Learned User Research & Paper writing - Extensive user study and a research paper on it.


  • Requirements gathering from challenged patients suffering from EFD. 

  • Designing an interface that's welcoming and had least learning curve. 

  • Designing an interface which would suit all age groups.

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